CONGRATULATIONS on your new home and welcome to well water!
Did you know that over 13 million homes in the US rely on a private well for their water supply? If you have just purchased a home and are new to well water you may be feeling a bit overwhelmed…The difference between well water and municipal water is, you as the homeowner; are responsible for testing, treating and maintaining “potable water”. This is mandatory through the USEPA. Upon the closing of your new home you may have received a copy of the PWTA (Private Well Testing Act).

As you can see, your water treatment system is one of the most important and hardest working pieces of equipment in your home. Did you know that not all water treatment companies are certified!?! This is where Aqua Mech comes in! We are your local Certified water treatment specialists!
We offer consultations, system design, equipment service, and annual maintenance for proper remediation of any water issues. We can explain the functions of each piece of equipment, its operation, and how it should be maintained for optimum efficiency. We can easily determine your system maintenance with our FREE Water Quality Analysis where we test for iron, calcium, pH, and odors. To find out more about our company and its wide range of services please contact us today!
After you have an understanding of your water treatment system, you should find that life with a private well is pleasant and simple. We look forward to providing you with a comprehensive professional experience soon.
“Use a Filter, Or Become One!”
Click Here for more information on common contaminants in your NJ well water.
Click Here for more information on private wells used for drinking water.
Serving Ocean, Monmouth, Mercer & Burlington Counties, N.J.
For more information on the levels of contaminants in your city water, click here and enter your zipcode for both regulated and non-regulated contaminants.